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History of the World



13.82 billion years ago
-It begins

4.6 billion years ago
-Happy b-day Earth

3.6 billion years ago
-Simple cells begin swimmin’ in the soup

66 million years ago
-Cya l8r dinolords

A few dozen or hundreds of thousands of years ago
-Humans start happening

15,000 years ago
America is populated by a pre-“Native Amercan” culture capable of Sumer-level civilization. “Native Americans” arrive.

12,000 years ago
-In America, Clovis culture exists and stops.
-In Turkey, Gobekli Tepe culture exists and stops.
-Atlantis is destroyed.
-Earth is pwned by the Younger Dryas impact, floods loads of land which was once above the sea.

5000 years ago
-In Iraq, Sumer exists, earliest texts we have, and civilization we know of.

3000 years ago
-Pharaohnic Egypt, with evidence it was built on an older, wiser civilization. Hall of Records is beneath the Sphinx and kept from us. The Great Pyramid finishes construction after 20 years

2000 years ago
-China begins
-In Egypt, Library of Alexandria is burned, losing a giant swathe of ancient knowledge, setting back the progress of humanity thousands of years.

700 years ago
-Mayan civilization at it’s peak
-Guns are invented

300-100 years ago
-Plumbing, soap, antibiotics, typwriter, printing press, phones, radio, electricity, airplanes.
-America (North and South) is invaded and explored by Europeans. In the process, genocide of native peoples, and delibrately destroying pre-native structures and sites in the process.

80 years ago
-Peope are excited about their new technology and kill each other a lot

50 years ago
-Computers and space travel

20 years ago
-Widespread internet

10 years ago
-“Social media” kicks in en masse alongside smartphones.

Edited by A Talking Pokemon at 2019-11-05 14:00:512019-11-05 14:00

To do:
-Get to Mars
-Neural/computer interface
-Remove death penalty
-Remove North Korea
-Remove guns and all war
-Master genetics and DNA
-Improve agriculture and diet
-Increase life expectancy
-Eventually live indefinitely
-Population control by law
-Warp drive / intergalactic travel
-Artificial intelligence
-Omniscience and omnipotence
-Solve entropy problem
-Trascend the boundaries of our perceived 4 dimensions

Edited by A Talking Pokemon at 2019-11-05 01:48:582019-11-05 01:48
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